Although we do our best to screen videos we cannot endorse all video sources. Please use viewer discretion. 

Hydrotherapy Demonstrations  

 Above-A live presentation on the wonders contained in the use of water internally and externally. Testimonial of how the simple act of drinking more water changed our lives. Answers questions like how much water should I drink?  Also has simple, no frills demonstrations of a cold mitten friction and hot and cold treatments that anyone could do at home.

 This is a link to a more extensive hot and cold chest fomentation demonstration. 

First Aid and Basic Suturing and Home Remedy Demonstrations 

The  following video on how to make a charcoal poultice is kind of blurry, but its worth watching if you need to know how to make one.  Be patient, they do zoom in after a while.

I have appreciated this particular presentation of Poultices by Barbara O'Neill.  Just one note, at the end she recommends Brazil nuts for iodine, she meant to say selenium. Also, please note, we do not endorse the internal use of tea tree oil.